Travel in Comfort
We treasure the places we visit and respect the people and wildlife that live there.
Wherever we travel, we are careful to minimize our impact, partnering with local providers of services who share our values, and, where appropriate, visiting and contributing to organizations that work to protect endangered species, preserve biodiversity, and help communities become economically sustainable in an eco-friendly way.
When we partner with Swan Hellenic (link) on cultural voyages and expeditions, we do so with confidence that the ships and their operations surpass all international standards for environmental protection.
In particular, all Swan Hellenic ships feature catalytic reduction units to reduce harmful emissions when cruising and dynamic positioning systems to avoid dropping anchor in fragile environments. Hybrid propulsion systems allow the vessels to operate solely on battery power while in port or when sailing through protected areas. Solid waste is subject to aggressive recycling, and wastewater treatment systems are state-of-the-art. Energy consumption aboard is restricted by the use of LED lighting and intelligent climate control systems. Single-use plastics are reduced to the bare minimum, and all cleaning products are certified as fully biodegradable.
When you travel with Thalassa Journeys, you can rest assured that you are doing so in a way that is designed to preserve the rich heritage of nature and culture for future generations.
Contact Us
Thalassa Journeys LLC
Suite 406
Orlando, FL 32835